Column Treatability Services

In instances where the treatment effectiveness cannot accurately be estimated in a batch test or when higher confidence levels are required, column testing may be necessary.  Column testing provides insight into how flow rates and residence times may impact the outcomes for permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), in situ chemical reduction (ISCR), or soil vapor extraction (SVE).  In the case of biological conditions, columns allow for a constant air/oxygen supply (or other gasses such as methane) to assess the effectiveness of biosparging at the site.

Our Experienced Team

Loureiro has experience conducting column testing for:

  • Soil vapor extraction (SVE)
  • Thermally-enhanced SVE and biosparging
  • In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO)
  • In situ chemical reduction (ISCR) using zero valent iron (ZVI)
  • Stabilization/sorption

In-house readings allow for Loureiro to assess the progress of the column studies to optimize treatment parameters for incorporation into a full-scale implementation.  Our considerable experience with remedial technologies allow us to scale-up the treatability results for designing a field application.

Email Loureiro at [email protected] with inquiries about our treatability testing services.