Loureiro provides in-house biotreatability services for the design and implementation of in situ bioremediation technologies. Our bioremediation studies range from evaluating the natural ability of site conditions to remediate compounds of concern to testing various biostimulation or bioaugmentation approaches for enhanced bioremediation. The goal of most bioremediation testing is to identify the factor or factors that are currently limiting the extent of biological degradation at a site, therefore optimizing the full-scale design process and application.
In 2013, Loureiro acquired Bioremediation Consulting Inc. (BCI) of Watertown, MA and relocated their facilities into Loureiro’s NH offices. BCI specialized in bioremediation microcosm and treatability studies, laboratory based bioremediation consulting, and culture development for bioaugmentation. BCI brought to Loureiro an additional 20 + years expertise in treatability testing from 100 different sites across the United States.