Remediation Technologies

road work

Loureiro focuses on the evaluation, design, and implementation of several environmental remediation technologies.  The qualitative services provided by our team of experienced engineers and scientists in the field of in situ remediation gives us a remarkable edge above our competitors here in the United States and internationally.  It is our intention to bring this wealth of experience and work ethic to each of our clients.  A sampling of the remediation services we have innovated and successfully implemented for our clients include:


Comprehensive Services

  • Design-build
  • Installation oversight
  • Oversight of equipment fabrication vendors
  • Operations and performance sampling
  • Regulatory negotiations
  • Peer review and optimization recommendations
In Situ Chemical Oxidation

Design Services

Loureiro has completed designs for ISCO projects using several different application strategies, including direct injection, pull-push, and re-circulation.  We scale up our treatability results to refine the design parameters for a field application of ISCO.  Site-specific factors such as the contaminant(s), hydrogeology, and site logistics are taken into consideration when developing the most appropriate application approach.

For example, a less-experienced firm might conduct an ISCO injection event for a highly soluble contaminant (e.g., 1,4-dioxane) via direct injection. In this particular example, the injection fluid can often displace or “push” the contaminant, increasing the overall extent of the impacts. Loureiro will take factors such as the contaminant solubility into account and design an application that uses recirculation or pull-push strategies. While these ISCO applications can be more expensive than direct injection, they minimize application risks and end up being less expensive over the life cycle of the project.


Loureiro is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record. We have successfully implemented ISCO to treat both large and small sites with numerous site-specific challenges including:

  • Active/operational industrial facilities
  • Sensitive and restricted areas at government facilities
  • Busy commercial districts
  • Suburban neighborhoods requiring Loureiro to be off site before schools let out
  • Indoor, active facilities

In situ chemical reduction
Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction


Dover, NH soil vapor extraction site

Loureiro is nationally recognized in the design, evaluation, and implementation of air sparging and soil vapor extraction (AS and SVE), and thermally enhanced SVE (TSVE) technologies for a variety of contaminants of concern.  Loureiro helped pioneer these remedial technologies with the first U.S. application of air sparging in 1989 and later authored the American Petroleum Institute’s Air Sparging Guidance Document.  Additionally, Loureiro worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop an SVE closure program for the Picillo Farm Superfund Site in Coventry, RI, which subsequently served as the basis for the EPA’s national SVE site closure guidance document. 

Loureiro has expertise evaluating the use of AS/SVE systems in conjuction with other technologies such as oxygen biosparging, bioventing, biostimulation, and aerobic trench systems.  Loureiro personnel have empoyed these technologie at sites in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.  Our experience with evaluating, designing, and implementing AS/SVE systems includes:

  • Determining the applicability of AS and SVE for your site conditions, including:
    • Radius of influence investigations
    • Modeling to determine vadose and saturated zone soil permeabilities
    • Subsurface utilities and other potential short circuiting mechanisms
    • Potential for reduced pore-volume flushing due to low permeability soils
  • Setting realistic cleanup goals based upon sound science and engineering
  • Estimating clean-up times
  • Modeling the impact of a SVE remedy on future soil leaching criteria
  • Providing credible representation to regulators and the public

For list of our short courses, peer reviewed publications, and conference proceedings, click here.

Want to know a bit more about how air sparging and soil vapor extraction works? Click here.

Email Loureiro at [email protected] for case studies associated with our AS/SVE remedial technology experience.

Hydraulic Capture (Pump & Treat)


These remedial technologies are supported by our in-house treatability laboratory.  The ability to test each of these technologies at the bench-scale prior to implementation allows Loureiro to identify potential failure mechanisms and refine anticipated costs.

Email Loureiro at [email protected] for case studies associated with remedial experience.