Our Process
Loureiro uses a methodical approach for our site evaluations. These evaluations are often aided by our state of the art treatability laboratory, confirming that the optimal remediation design has been selected for each site.
Treatability Studies
Loureiro performs treatability testing and microcosm studies to evaluate the site specific feasibility and to develop field-scale design parameters for all common in situ remediation technologies:
- In Situ Chemical Oxidation:
- Catalyzed Hydrogen Peroxide
- Activated Persulfate
- Permanganate
- In Situ Bioremediation
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Biostimulation
- Bioaugmentation
- In Situ Chemical Reduction:
- Zero Valent Iron (ZVI)
- Bi-Metallic Particles
- Metal Sulfides
- In Situ Metals Stabilization
- pH adjustment
- metals sorption
- metals precipitation
- metals co-precipitation
Specialty Services
Loureiro will customize our treatability services to meet you site-specific needs. Our most recent approaches include:
- Thermal enhanced soil vapor extraction
- Thermally enhanced bioremediation
In-House Analytical Capabilities
- Natural attenuation parameters
- Dissolved gases such as methane, ethene, and ethane by gas chromatography (GC)
- Volatile chlorinated compounds by GC
- Alcohols, glycols, and water soluble ethers by GC
- Organic acids such as formate, lactate, and acetate by capillary ion electrophoresis and by ion chromatography
- Molecular hydrogen by reduction gas analysis
- Anions such as nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, chloride and sulfate