Comparative Treatability Laboratory Services
Loureiro can test several technologies simultaneously to determine which remedial option will best meet our client’s goals.
Comparative treatabilitiy studies will identify the strengths and weaknesses of each technology under site conditions to increase the reliability of the decision-making processes. These studies include evaluation of known approaches to a site pollutant (such as increasing pH in the case of metal migration), to evaluating existing products (such precipitation products for metal migration).
Loureiro’s experience in treatability lab testing includes:
- Metal stabilization
- In situ chemical reduction
- Surfactant-enhanced treatment
- Oxygen-releasing products
- Nutrient or biostimulation products
In addition, Loureiro incorporates our own field implementation experience into the design to increase the usefulness of the results. Design and dosing considerations are compared to field feasibility to ensure the most useful information is gathered to aid in decisions and design of field implementation.
Email Loureiro at [email protected] with inquiries about our treatability testing services. Additionally, a selection of our case studies can be found here.