In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR)

bucket truck mixing soil
In Situ Chemical Reduction – ZVI Mixing via ALLU Bucket

Loureiro provides A to Z services with regard to the design, testing and implementation of in situ chemical Reduction (ISCR) technologies. Each of these services can be used individually, but the best results are obtained when these services are used together as part of an integrative approach.

Bench Scale Treatability Tests:

Loureiro provides one of the nation’s leading  bench testing facilities.


Loureiro has designed a significant number of projects using several different application strategies depending upon the site geology and project goals.


Loureiro is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record. We have successfully implemented ISCR to treat both large and small sites with numerous site-specific challenges. Our engineers and scientists have experience in the following chemistry systems:

  • Zero Valent Iron (ZVI)
  • Bi-Metallic Particles
  • Metal Sulfides

Want to know a bit more about how In Situ Chemical Reduction works?  Click here.

Email Loureiro at [email protected] for case studies associated with our ISCR remedial technology experience.